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  • Writer's pictureHannah Cuthbertson

How To Keep On Top Of Your Niche 24/7

Get RSS Feeds From Blogs That Are Relevant In your Niche

Use Google Reader and get the latest blog posts and news from blogs that are relvant to your niche. Who knows, some of these posts can inspire you to write you latest article. Google Reader lets you subscribe to all the latest websites that are on RSS feed. Instead of going to search for content that is in your niche, you can get it deliver to you as soon as it has been posted. If you read RSS feeds daily you can also keep up to date with the trends in your niche and stay relevant to the topic area. I can’t stress how this has helped me enough, as not only can you see what everyone is talking about, but you don’t have to all that time when you could be writing your next article.

Generate hype through preview posts

You can generate big hype by posting previews of a scheduled event before hand. This will keep your audience up to date on what you have been up to, and the wait will keep them interested for when you do release the next article/post/ release. It will also draw more visitors to your blog through viral means. Think of it as a teaser trailer, it will serve to get people talking about it. To do this you should always have a certain day for when the release is scheduled to go live, it will help your audience have something to look forward to while giving you time to plan in advance. You can also draw viewers in for longer by having a post article to keep them up to date on what has happened afterwards.

Have guest posts from writers in your niche

By having guest posters from writers in your niche, you not only stay relevant but also interact with your community better. By having guest posts from other established blogs you not only will help your viewers grow, but you can also do guest posts as well. You will gain new viewers from the other blog, and who knows, you might even gain new loyal subscribers.

Communicate with your audience.

Once again one of the biggest things to successful blogging is transparency and communication with your audience. People don’t want to talk to something behind a computer screen. They want to be involved. To get your subscribers involved you should ask for questions and feedback. Also try to help them by answering any questions they might have when they leave their comments. You should also try to user other social network channels such as Facebook and Twitter (The more popular ones), to stay in touch with them. It will help as a tool to get more viewers as Social Networks can help your blog or blog articles become very viral. By doing all of this you will get a lot of positive attention as well as become transparent. I can’t stress how important this tip is, as how popular your blog is greatly depends on your audience. Therefore by getting involved and helping out your audience as often as possible should help get them to become loyal subscribers. This tip will help you grow your blog fast.

It’s about quality, not quantity.

There are two schools of thought to this issue. One side thinks it’s better to post regularly, while the other side believe in quality posts that are released more slowly. I believe in quality over quantity, because a quality post that is long and thought out will connect with more people and help more people then short articles that are released daily or bi-weekly. So take time in researching your articles, and write your posts carefully, then tweak it after the final draft until you are 100% happy about it and know it only provide great value. Another important issue to look out for is when you write these posts, try to stand out from the crowd, make your posts different and not what exactly everyone in your niche is talking about. You don’t want to be a fish in the sea, you want to be a stingray!

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